Getting Started with JSX

Getting Started with JSX


4 min read


JSX is a powerful language extension used in React to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. JSX has a brief yet fascinating history, originating as an internal language for Facebook's newsfeed. Today, JSX is an essential part of React's popularity and continues to simplify web development.

In this blog, we'll explore the syntax of JSX, its benefits, and how to render elements using this enchanting language.

Understanding JSX Syntax

Now that you know what JSX is, let's dive into the basics. JSX is similar in syntax to HTML, but it is not the same. You can create elements just like you would in HTML using tags, but the tags are not limited to standard HTML tags. You can use custom tags as well.

Expressions can be added to JSX elements using curly braces {}, making it possible to evaluate code or add dynamic content. JSX also allows for Fragments, which lets you return multiple elements without adding any unnecessary wrapper divs.

const element = <h1>Hello, JSX!</h1>;

This JSX expression represents an <h1> element with the text "Hello, JSX!" inside it. Notice how JSX closely resembles HTML tags, making our code more readable and intuitive.

Overall, JSX is a cleaner and more organized way to write and manage component-based code. Getting started with the basics will help you understand why web developers like love working with JSX.

JSX Components

If you're diving into JSX, it's essential to understand the basics of JSX components. Components are the building blocks of React applications, and JSX allows us to write them in a simple and intuitive way. There are two kinds of components in React: functional components and class components.

Functional components are just regular JavaScript functions that return a React element. They're simple, easy to read, and typically used for rendering basic content, such as text or images.

On the other hand, class components are more complex and provide more advanced features, such as state and lifecycle methods. They're usually used when you need more control over how your components work.

Props: JSX Props are a crucial part of building components. Props allow you to pass data from one component to another, making it easy to reuse code and build scalable applications. You can think of them as parameters for your components.

Here's an example of a JSX component:

function Greeting(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>;

You can now use <Greeting /> in your code, and it will render the personalized greeting with the name you pass as a prop.

In short, understanding functional components, class components, and JSX Props will take you a long way in building powerful React applications with JSX.

JSX in Action

Using JSX with React allows developers to write and render HTML-like syntax directly in JavaScript, making code more readable and efficient.

Let's put JSX to work! With JSX, you can easily combine HTML elements and JavaScript expressions:

function OrderSummary(props) {
  return (
      <h2>Order Summary</h2>
      <p>Total items: {props.totalItems}</p>
      <p>Total price: ${props.totalPrice}</p>

Create dynamic and engaging UIs by seamlessly embedding expressions within JSX!

Converting HTML to JSX

Converting HTML to JSX is a breeze. Just remember a few key differences:

  • Use className instead of class for CSS classes.

  • Use htmlFor instead of for for labels.

  • Close self-closing tags, like <img>, with a trailing slash: <img />.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Embrace JSX Syntax: It might feel strange at first, but embrace JSX for its readability and expressive power.

  2. Use Fragments: When JSX must have a single parent element, use fragments (<>...</>) to avoid unnecessary wrapper elements.

  3. Extract Components: Break down your UI into smaller components for reusability and maintainability.

  4. Indentation: Use proper indentation and naming conventions, and avoid using inline styles and overcomplicated expressions.


To sum it up, JSX is a powerful tool for web developers and React enthusiasts to create dynamic and reusable components. Its syntax is easy to learn, and it offers several benefits such as improved performance and better code organization. Remember to use best practices, avoid common mistakes, and convert your HTML correctly.

Note: This is the second blog in my React series if you want to follow the series from the start, please click here

See yaa all in the next blog of the series ๐Ÿ‘‹

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